
Week 2

"Art and Synesthesia: in search of the synesthetic experience"
By Dr. Hugo Heyrman

Synesthesia is a neurologically-based condition that acquires both a scientific and artistic stimulation of a sensory or cognitive circuit leading to another sensory or cognitive path. This article by Heyrman goes deep into the analysis of how synesthete people are the future and questions the nature of perception, memory and images. Both the artistic and synesthetic experience are very subjective. I am glad Heyrman mentioned Marshall McLuhan's notion of what is a medium and how this idea can relate to synesthesia. Synesthete individuals see a letter G but it is followed by a particular taste or the colour blue for example. Similar to what McLuhan says that "for writing this is the voice" since the content of a medium is the preceding medium.

Heyrman considers synesthetes people as the future since they have a richer experience of reality followed by a stronger memory. Whether it is music, painting, drawing, photography, digital art, sculpture, etc., these individuals do not see the world the same way non-synesthetes people do. Following this, Heyrman then introduces works of art from the 19 hundreds to the 1950's, stating that "the 20th century began with a growing vitality, a fascination for machines, science and technology, introspection, experiment, change, and innovation". Some of the works were not necessarily done by synesthetes people but explored and expressed the idea of synesthesia in a metaphorical manner, some through hallucinatory levels. Each use the idea of or a form os synesthesia in their works but are they aware of it? Others came to sounds from painting to poetry like turning noise-generated instruments into a musical composition, or challenging into a sculpture what is remembered and what is seen. Boccioni's piece "Unique Forms of Continuity in Space" for example, are a fragment of a constantly changing visual experience that synesthetes people can relate to. Sometimes simple forms represent the abstract sound patterns of voices and so forth. Each piece evokes one or more sensory of cognitive pathway.

It seems difficult to observe artworks and point out which was done by a synesthete person or an artist without synesthesia. I wonder to what extent some of us may be synesthete without being aware of it. This article is very interesting and in depth since Heyrman does not just describe what synesthesia is but also it's history and the different ways in which is can be observed and used. Is every synesthete person an artist? Is must be a great gift to be able to see reality differently without anybody else knowing. I think they are the future because they have the gift to change how people perceive the world. Some may say that certain drugs are able to obtain that synesthetic point but how do they know without living with synesthesia?


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